Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Act of Raising Money

                                                         The Act of Raising Money
            As a business executive or manajer it is really important to raise money so the company don´t broke. Many companies get there money through scam or for a good cause but reality is that everything is just for the business. But there are many ways to get money.
            One raising method is crowfunding. Crowfunding is getting small donations from a large group of people (Clifford). To be successful at crowfunding you need to know who your audience is and what are they interested on.  In this method there are 5 steps to success. Give your investors different levels on which to contribute, include a video in your pitch, have money already committed before you go to the crowd, be active online, and make sure the price is right (Clifford).
            UNF could raised $130 milion using the crowfunding method. A small portion of money from a University of North Florida fund-raising campaign will help build a chapel on campus (Kristopher).  Newton said he's been involved with UNF for 15 years but this campaign was the largest amount he's ever given. Newton's money went to scholarships because, "I want to make higher education available to more people," he said.
            The world is guided by only one power which is money. People say that money can´t get happiness but it´s better to cry on a Ferrari. My future job will consist of the raising of money.
Clifford, Catherine. "Raising Money Through Crowdfunding? Consider These              Best Practices for Success." Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur, 22 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <>.

Khristopher J. "UNF raises $130 million in capital campaign." Florida Times-Union, The (Jacksonville, FL) 13 Apr. 2013: Newspaper Source. Web. 15 Apr. 2013.

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